Empowering Teams to Conquer Today's Challenges

Telshur streamlines critical workflows, enabling teams to focus on patient care.
Manage higher acuity patients
Patient satisfaction
Fewer errors
Care Managers
Coordinating care
Communicating with family
Connecting with providers
Social Services
Social determinants of health
Discharge timing
Ordering DME
Process improvement
Staff management 
Root cause analysis
Telshur helps teams deliver better care, faster.
Advanced Clinical Communication
Telshur digital SBARS enable nurses to easily convey needed clinical information so providers can quickly and confidently make good decisions.
Care Continuity
Care teams are instantly connected to prior and active issues without need for sign-out or searching medical records.
Automated Lab and Radiology Tracking
All lab and radiology orders automatically create follow-up tasks for nurses and providers.
Remove Medication Errors
Built in digital verifications ensure order accuracy.
Rapid Order Execution
An easily accessed digital system enables orders to be quickly tracked, completed, and verified.
Safer discharges
A comprehensive discharge coordination system enables the entire team to work together to ensure needed follow-up, DME and home care needs are addressed.
Integrated Telehealth
One-click video access enables providers to quickly address nursing needs and perform bedside assessments.
All team communication
Single-source communication brings the entire care team together for comprehensive care management.
Fully automated clinical documentation helps facilities prevent costly penalties.
Nurse Communications
Complete and accurate nurse communications are documented and automatically uploaded to the EHR.
Provider responses
Provider engagement is fully captured and clinical communications automatically recorded in the EHR.